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Author:Rosefielde, S.
Title:The Riddle of Post-war Russian Economic Growth: Statistics Lied and Were Misconstrued
Journal:Europe-Asia Studies
2003 : MAY, VOL. 55:3, p. 469-482
Index terms:RUSSIA
Abstract:The paper states that statistics can lie. Spurious innovation, over-reporting and hidden inflation can misrepresent reality unbeknownst to officials, or with their complicity. And statistics can be misconstrued by erroneously assuming that differences in the generation of raw data like quantities, characteristics and prices are not critical. Sovietologists, it now seems, were victims both of statistical deception and the delusion that fiat ruble factor cost prices, or mechanical adjustments there of permitted them to reliably gauge Soviet economic growth and development. The behavioral contradiction between the relatively strong growth performance displayed by Goskomstat's statistics, Western estimates computed from them, and the inferiority of the Soviet physical management system is not real.
SCIMA record nr: 247546
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