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Author:Giot, P.
Title:Market risk models for intraday data
Journal:European Journal of Finance
2005 : AUG, VOL. 11:4, p. 309-324
Index terms:Duration analysis
Regression analysis
Freeterms:Intraday market risk
Abstract:This paper quantifies market risk at an intraday time horizon using normal GARCH, Student GARCH, RiskMetrics and high-frequency duration (log-ACD) models set in the framework of the conditional VaR methodology. Because of the small time horizon of the intraday returns (15 and 30 minute returns in this case), an evaluation of intraday market risk can be useful to market participants (traders, market makers) involved in frequent trading. As was expected, the volatility features an important intraday seasonality, which must be removed prior to using the market risk models.
SCIMA record nr: 259760
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