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Author:Simonen, J.
McCann, P.
Title:Innovation, R&D cooperation and labor recruitment: Evidence from Finland
Journal:Small business economics
2008 : AUG, VOL. 31:2, p. 181-194
Index terms:labour markets
Nordic countries
Abstract:This study examines the role played by one type of firm interaction, that's R&D cooperation (henceforth as: co-op.), and also labour acquisition (here as: l-aq./l-aqs.), in the promotion of industrial innovations (as: innvn./innvns). Employed is a unique innvn. dataset from Finland combining firm specific information about the innvn. performance of the firms with their individual characteristics and firm specific information as to the origins of their recent l-aqs. Identified are the different roles which the knowledge spillovers and labour markets play in the innvn. process. The results suggest that small firms are generally more innovative than large ones. R&D co-op. is an essential feature of innvn. Yet, the variety of cooperation is of little importance. For innvn., l-aq. seems to be only of limited importance.
SCIMA record nr: 271290
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