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Author:Bouwens, J.
Kroos, P.
Title:Target ratcheting and effort reduction
Journal:Journal of Accounting & Economics
2011 : FEB, VOL. 51: 1-2, p. 171-185
Index terms:retail industry
Freeterms:target setting
ratchet effects
real economic activities
Abstract:The article examines how retail store managers reduce their sales activity in response to target ratcheting. It is found that managers with favourable sales performance in the first three quarters reduce their sales activity in the final quarter as well as that managers who engage in sales reducing activities enhance their likelihood of meeting their next-year sales target, which is based on their current sales. It is argues that managers who reduce their sales activity in the final quarter are more likely to beat their next-year sales targets than managers who refrain from reducing their final-quarter sales.
SCIMA record nr: 274071
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