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Author:Peters, B. A.
Subramanian, G. S.
Title:Analysis of partial setup strategies for solving the operational planning problem in parallel machine electronic assembly systems (Maschinenbelegungsplanung, Planungsmodell)
Journal:International Journal of Production Research
1996 : APR, VOL. 34:4, p. 999-1021
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Abstract:This paper analyses the operational planning problem in an electronic assembly system with multiple placement machines operating in parallel. The issues are determining the assignment of products to machines, the sequence of products on each machine, the assignment of components to feeder locations for each product, and the component placement sequence for each product. Solution procedures for unique and partial setup strategies are developed and tested. The results show that no single fixed strategy dominates, and therefore, a procedure that will choose the best solution for each set of requirements is needed.
SCIMA record nr: 151359
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