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Author:Weinkopf, C.
Title:Call-centre work: specific characteristics and the challenges of work organisation
2002 : AUTUMN, VOL. 8:3, p. 456-466
Index terms:WORK
Abstract:In recent years call-centres have been, in many countries, one of the fastest growing areas of employment. The services provided by them are as diverse as their corporate form: call-centres may form part of existing companies but they may equally well be new independent service-providers. It is frequently asserted that they are invariably a modern form of sweatshop or dark satanic mill, with low pay, poor working conditions and highly flexible working time. In this contribution the characteristics of call-centre work are analyzed more closely and it is shown that the quality of jobs is in practice extremely variable. In spite of difficult general conditions, a number of starting points for a better organisation of work and collectively agreed regulation exist.
SCIMA record nr: 241111
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