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Author:Vollebergh, H.R.J.
Melenberg, B.
Dijkgraaf, E.
Title:Identifying reduced-form relations with panel data: The case of pollution and income
Journal:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
2009 : JUL, VOL. 58:1, p. 27-42
Index terms:environmental economics
panel data
emission-income relationships
Abstract:This paper proposes a solution to the non-robustness tantalizing the estimation of inverted U-shaped relationships using panel data, like the relation between pollution and income. This paper's solution consists of imposing the very weak constraint of arbitrary cross-sectional units having the same relationship.
This paper's methodology is applied to two widely studied cases, that is, SO2 and CO2 emissions. Interestingly, the estimates are insensitive to the required subjective choices, yet also strongly differing from the literature. Consistent positive income effects are found for both cases and time effect estimates with a clear U-shaped trend for SO2-emissions, yet only slightly so for CO2-emissions.
SCIMA record nr: 274958
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