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Author:Tahvonen, O.
Title:Economics of harvesting age-structured fish populations
Journal:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
2009 : NOV, VOL. 58:3, p. 281-299
Index terms:models
environmental economics
Abstract:Herein, developed is a generic age-structured model to provide analytical results on optimal (henceforth as: opt.) harvesting (here as: hrst). Given two age classes, knife-edge selectivity, and no stock-dependent hrst. cost, the steady state is a unique saddle point. Given that the utility is linear, adding hrst. cost does not change the uniqueness.
Opt. hrst. is proved to be a stationary cycle representing pulse fishing. Opt. steady states are different in case the age-structured information is ignored and optimization is based on traditional biomass variables which implies the existence of opt. sustainable hrst. depending on age-structured information. Given a specific set of conditions, opt. hrst. converges toward a unique saddle point undepending on the number of age classes.
SCIMA record nr: 275493
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