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Author:Singh, N.
Kundu, S.
Title:Explaining the growth of e-commerce corporations (ECCs): an extension and application of the eclectic paradigm
Journal:Journal of International Business Studies
2002 : VOL. 33:4, p. 679-697
Index terms:Company growth
Electronic commerce
International business
Abstract:The emergence of the Internet has created a dynamic electronic marketplace, where a new species of e-commerce corporations are taking root. However, the factros affecting the growth of these e-commerce corporations is a relatively unexplored area in international business. This study contributes to the international business literature in two significant ways. First, it attempts to critically evaluate the major international business theories to identify the variables affecting the growth of e-commerce corporations. Second, the proposed framework in the study extends the explanatory power of the eclectic paradigm not only by interpreting the paradigm in the context of e-business, but also by including an element of network-based advantages to the OLI-configuration.
SCIMA record nr: 248368
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