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Author:Carmichael, F. (et al.)
Title:Work-life imbalance: Informal care and paid employment in the UK
Journal:Feminist economics
2008 : APR, VOL. 14:2, p. 3-35
Index terms:employment
informal economy
labour supply
United Kingdom
Abstract:In the UK informal carers take care of their relatives or friends who are in need of extra assistance because of age, physical or learning disability, or illness. Usually, women carry bigger responsibility, since they frequently care for longer hours and time periods than men. The effect of informal caring on women's employment is the focus of this article. Based on questionnaire and in-depth interviews with informal carers, the analysis indicates that the duration of caring, financial considerations, the needs of the person they care for, carers' beliefs about the compatibility of informal care and paid work, and employers' readiness to accommodate carers' needs impact on carers' employment. Although there have been recent policy initiatives to help informal carers, the results of the study suggest that they still confront difficulties in combining the employment and care.
SCIMA record nr: 266659
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