search query: @indexterm Employee attitudes / total: 557
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Author:Jones, P.J.
Oswick, C.
Title:Inputs and outcomes of outdoor management development: Of design, dogma and dissonance
Journal:British Journal of Management
2007 : DEC, VOL. 18:4, p. 327-341
Index terms:management development
management training
organizational behaviour
employee attitudes
Abstract:Despite being today a multi-million pound international industry, there is continuing scepticism about the Outdoor Management Development (OMD)'s benefits. This study explores the impact of participation in an archetypal example of OMD on a cohort of junior managers (n=19). Participants reported changes in attitudes incl. their opinions of themselves, teamworking and the theoretical frameworks etc. Through analysis of individuals' accounts there were found associations btw. participation in particular forms of outdoor training activities and changes in certain attitude categories. Cognitive dissonance theory is used as a framework to explain these changes. In more detail, it is asserted that task selection and review-style choices made by providers/sponsors significantly influenced the reactions, sense-making processes and reported training outcomes. The design of contemporary OMD programmes privileging a linear, incremental view of development is challenged.
SCIMA record nr: 267585
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