search query: @indexterm Employee attitudes / total: 557
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Author:James, L.
Title:United by gender or divided by class? Women's work orientations and labour market behaviour
Journal:Gender, Work and Organization
2008 : JUL, VOL. 15:4, p. 394-412
Index terms:attitudes
employee attitudes
social classes
Freeterms:preference theory
Abstract:Existing studies on the relationship between women's work orientations and their labour market behaviour have neglected to pay attention to the issue of women's socioeconomic class. This article aims to tackle the shortcomings of antecedent studies: based on interview data, the work orientations of women in professional/managerial, intermediate and routine/manual socioeconomic classes in Oxford are analyzed. The results of the study indicate significant class-based differences in the work attitudes of women. The article also suggests that instead of the concept of "orientation", the concept of "work orientation" should be used in further research on the topic.
SCIMA record nr: 267727
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