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Author:Eshet-Alkalai, Y.
Geri, N.
Title:Does the medium affect the message? The influence of text representation format on critical thinking
Journal:Human Systems Management
2007 : VOL. 26:4, p. 269-279
Index terms:communication
digital technology
readership surveys
Freeterms:information literacy
Abstract:In recent years, consumers have been challenged with the need of exercising critical thinking skills (henceforth as: cr-th-sks.) in reading news due to the proliferation of digital information resources. This paper suggests an updated perspective to the expression of "the medium is the message" by comparing the ability of high-school and college students to employ cr-th-sks. in reading news in print and digital formats. It is found that the younger participants, that is, high school students, perform better in reading digital news formats, and the college students perform better with reading news in a print format. The discussion on these results uses three perspectives: i. a usability perspective (here as: p.), ii. a cognitive p. and iii. an information economics p.
SCIMA record nr: 267184
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