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Author:Cooley, D.R.
Title:Understanding social welfare capitalism, private property, and the government's duty to create a sustainable environment
Journal:Journal of Business Ethics
2009 : OCT II, VOL. 89:3, p. 351-369
Index terms:sustainable development
social welfare
developed economies
rights issues
Freeterms:private property
Abstract:This article shows the United States (U.S.) and other developed countries having a duty to create sustainable cities, despite against a notion of private property rights (herein as: p-p.) considered as an absolute. Through eminent domain and regulation, developed countries can fulfill these obligations to current and future generations. In order to do so, the governments ought to reject perfectly competitive free market capitalism and the absolute p-p. rights, adopting more fully social welfare capitalism. The result will be a sustainable society etc.
SCIMA record nr: 274808
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