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Author:Grundke, P.
Title:Berucksichtigung des Zinsanderungsrisikos bei der Neubewertung am Risikohorizont in Kreditportfoliomodellen
Journal:Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft
2002 : DEC, VOL. 72:12, p. 1241-1268
Abstract:At first, typical shortcomings of the revaluation process at the risk horizon, which can be found in most credit risk models, are analyzed. These deficits are due to a lack of stochastic modeling of risk factors, such as interest rates or rating specific spreads. Within the simple credit risk model of the IRB-approach with additional interest rate risk the effect of a disregard of the stochastic nature of market risk factors is shown for a homogeneous portfolio of defaultable zero coupon bonds. As expected, the consequence of ignoring interest rate risk can be that not enough capital is allocated as a protection against an un expected deterioration of the portfolio's value. The difference between the VaR with and without considering interest rate risk is especially high for low correlations o asset returns and for low probabilities of default (original in German).
SCIMA record nr: 243445
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