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Author:Poppo, L.
Title:The visible hands of hierarchy within the M-Form: An empirical test of corporate parenting of internal product exchanges
Journal:Journal of Management Studies
2003 : MAR, VOL. 40:2, p. 403-430
Index terms:Decision making
Abstract:This paper dismisses the traditional contingency argument that corporate staff should have minimal involvement with the decisions that its divisions make. An alternative theory of corporate involvement for the M-form is offered: under unpredictable environments greater interdependence of corporate staff with divisional operating decisions may be necessary to create value for the corporation. Since corporate staff cannot be involved in all divisional affairs, it is empirically explored when corporate involvement is most likely. Building on transaction cost economics and the strategy literature, it is reasoned that corporate staff may selectively involve itself in business level strategy and operating decisions when product characteristics signal threats to effective inter-divisional coordination as well as opportunities for value creation. This study surveyed corporate managers of Fortune 500 companies. The results suggest among others some initial support for the theoretical argument of the study: corporate staff is more likely to involve itself in business-level decisions for uncertain products.
SCIMA record nr: 244035
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