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Author:Fleming, C.M.
Cook, A.
Title:The recreational value of Lake McKenzie, Fraser Island: An application of the travel cost method
Journal:Tourism Management
2008 : DEC, VOL. 29:6, p. 1197-1205
Index terms:recreation
Abstract:Lake McKenzie is one of the most highly used and popular visitor destinations of all Fraser Island's natural sites. It attracts 2000 visitors a day in peak periods. This level of visitation is considered unsustainable and the management authority is currently considering a range of management options to address this issue. It is useful to have some idea of the recreational use value of the Lake under the current regime in assessing the alternatives. It is this value that is at risk if visitor numbers are to be reduced. This article estimates the recreational use value of Fraser Island and Lake McKenzie for Australian-resident, independent visitors using the zonal travel cost method.
SCIMA record nr: 271233
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