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Author:Bansal, P.
Bogner, W.C.
Title:Deciding on ISO 14001: Economics, institutions, and context
Journal:Long Range Planning
2002 : JUN, VOL. 35:3, p. 269-290
Index terms:Standards
Freeterms:Environmental management
Abstract:ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems that was introduced in September 1996. Managers in almost every organization will evaluate whether the organization should become ISO 14001 certified. However, most analyses of ISO 14001 intended to guide managers in their evaluation have focused on the merits of ISO 14001, such as improved competitiveness, management control, and regulatory compliance. This article provides an analysis of not only why firms may choose to certify based on economic and institutional consideration, but also, when certification might be appropriate based on the firm's context.
SCIMA record nr: 239463
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