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Author:Murinde, B.
Ryan, G.
Title:The Implications of WTO and GATS for the Banking Sector in Africa
Journal:World Economy
2003 : FEB, VOL. 26:2, p. 181-208
Abstract:This paper assesses the implications of the GATS for the banking sector in African countries. The idea is to review the relevant provisions of the GATS for banking services with emphasis on the free trade element and the implications for full liberalisation of the banking sector. The paper briefly considers the pure theory of international trade as it applies to trade in financial services, and identifies in broad terms the expected winners from liberalizing trade in this sector. The main provisions of the GATS as they apply to the financial sector and the main exemptions currently enjoyed by the African states are considered. The paper discusses the current state of the banking industry in Africa and considers the likely scenario (and the likely time-scale) as a consequence of the implementation of the GATS.
SCIMA record nr: 250493
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