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Author:Kosova, R.
Lafontaine, F.
Title:Survival and growth in retail and service industries: evidence from franchised chains
Journal:Journal of Industrial Economics
2010 : SEP, VOL. 58:3, p. 542-578
Index terms:retail industry
chain stores
service industries
Abstract:Using data on franchised chains, the type of single-product entities highlighted in industry dynamics models, we demonstrate that age and size impact growth and survival, even after controlling for chain characteristics and unobserved chain-specific efficiency. This means that age and size affect firm growth and survival for reasons other than those highlighted in learning-type models. Also several chain characteristics are found to affect growth and survival directly, making controlling for firm characteristics important. Finally, we find that chain size increases, instead of decreasing, exit among young chains, and chains converge in size over time.
SCIMA record nr: 275865
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