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Author:Hills, J.
Title:Regulation, innovation and market structure in International Telecommunications: the case of the 1956 TAT1 submarine cable
Journal:Business history
2007 : NOV, VOL. 49:6 p. 868-885
Index terms:telecommunication
Freeterms:federal communications commission
Abstract:This paper aims to demonstrate how regulation, markets and technology can be intertwined. The author argues that the introduction of technology in a regulated market, in this case international telecommunications, has to bee seen in terms of its effect on econmic and political alliances in that specific regulatory market. The article illustrates and examines the topic by presenting a case study on the first transatlantic telephone cable (TAT1), which was a joint project between US based AT&T, the British Post Office and Canada´s Overseas Telephone Corporation. In addition the proposed coaxial cable by US based International Telephone and Telegraph is examined.
SCIMA record nr: 266961
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