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Author:Kharbanda, O. P.
Stallworthy, E. A.
Title:Managerial decision making. Part 1 : conventional techniques.
Journal:Management Decision
1990 : VOL. 28:3, p. 4-9
Index terms:MANAGERS
Abstract:A good leader must be decisive as well as a good motivator. What is more, the decisions have to be taken before all the relevant information is to hand. This is where so many fail. The "success rate" of the average manager is rarely more than 50 per cent. A good leader is prepared to make decisions on inadequate and incomplete information, realizing that no decision is perfect and that an imperfect decision is far better than no decision at all. The role of consensus decision making is demonstrated. The Japanese management model is reviewed and evaluated. The role of dissent and the creation of discussion as a consequence of dissent is examined. The role of problem solving groups is shown. A typical case history is presented.
SCIMA record nr: 85843
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