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Author:Muthuri, J.N.
Matten, D.
Moon, J.
Title:Employee volunteering and social capital: Contributions to corporate social responsibility
Journal:British Journal of Management
2009 : MAR, VOL. 20:1, p. 75-89
Index terms:corporate responsibility
social responsibility
social accounting
United Kingdom
Abstract:As employee volunteering (EV) is increasingly seen as a means of improving companies' community and employee relations, this study explores the contribution of EV to corporate social responsibility (CSR), specifically whether and how it contributes to social capital (here as: soc-cap). The dynamics of EV in three U.K. companies is examined. Explored are the social relations and resources underpinning the creation of soc-cap., the roles of opportunity, motivation and ability in bringing the actors together and enhancing their capacity for cooperation etc. This paper contributes to the understanding of EV and the factors enabling it to create soc-cap. Finally, the contribution of EV to the overall CSR agenda of companies is assessed.
SCIMA record nr: 271820
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