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Author:Wu, Xuefeng
Dong, Taiyu
Title:An analysis of the basic state and consumption structure of urban residents of Zhejiang province (original in Chinese)
Journal:Commercial Economy and Management (c)
1998 : 1, p.52-55
Abstract:Since reform and opening up, the economy of Zhejiang province has developed rapidly, the lives of residents have been improved gradually and the consumption structure of residents is changing increasingly which shows that the people of Zhejiang province are shifting from shimply having enough food and clothing to leading a relatively comfortable life. By analyzing the basic demand of residents during the period from 1992 to 1995, this paper makes a concrete description of the changes in the family basic conditions and consumption structure of urban residents. It also analyzes the consumption structure of urban residents by using linear expenditure system, and makes an analysis of marginal propensity to budget in regard, to food, clothing and housing and an analysis of elasticity of total living consumption expendition.
SCIMA record nr: 182102
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