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Author:Jin, Jialing
Title:Chinese economic from 1996 to 1999 (original in Chinese)
Journal:Commercial Economy and Management (c)
1999 : 1, p.9-12
Abstract:The author thinks that the "soft land" in Chinese macro-economic manipulation in 1996 achieved great success, which set a good example for the macro-manipulation of Chinese socialist market economy, manifest and prove that Chinese socialist market economy can be macroscopically manipulated. In 1997, there is relative insufficiency of supply and demand in China's market. In 1998, due to the wise policy decision of central government, China's economy underwent consistent high-speed growth, and the policy of enlarging domestic demands achieved great success, but it still needs further efforts. In 1999, China should not formulate its economic development goal too lo and should work hard for turning the trend that China's high-speed economic growth is declining annually in recent years.
SCIMA record nr: 198276
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