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Author:Seo, M.-G.
Bartunek, J. M.
Barrett, L. F.
Title:The role of affective experience in work motivation: test of a conceptual model
Journal:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2010 : OCT, VOL. 31:7 p. 951-968
Index terms:organizational research
work ethics
employee attitudes
Abstract:This study examined the role of emotion in work motivation by testing a conceptual model that predicted the effects of core affect on three behavioral outcomes of work motivation. The model was tested using an Internet-based investment simulation combined with an experience sampling procedure. Pleasantness was positively connected with all three of the predicted indices. Mostly, these effects occurred indirectly via its relationships with expectancy, valence, and progress judgment components. Also activation was directly and positively related to effort.
SCIMA record nr: 275662
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