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Author:Bridgman, T.
Title:Beyond the manager's moral dilemma: Rethinking the 'ideal-type' business ethics case
Journal:Journal of Business Ethics
2010 : VOL. 94, SUPPL. 2, p. 311-322
Index terms:business ethics
management education
management research
Freeterms:case teaching
Abstract:Business ethics cases are typically used to teach moral reasoning by exposing students to real-life situations putting them in the position of a decision-maker faced with a moral dilemma. Drawing on a critical management studies' (CMS) critique of mainstream business ethics, this article argues that this 'ideal-type' decision-focused case underplays the social, political and economic factors shaping managerial decisions. An alternative 'dark side' case approach is presented, which underlines the structural features of capitalism and the role of government in regulating the market. It is concluded through a discussion of how this approach to the case method can provide students with a deeper understanding of the complexity of business ethics.
SCIMA record nr: 274379
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