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Author:Scott, P.
Walker, J.
Title:Power to the people: working-class demand for household power in 1930s Britain
Journal:Oxford Economic Papers
2011 : DEC, VOL. 63:4, p. 598-624
Index terms:workers
United Kingdom
gas industry
household economics
Abstract:The 1930s witnessed a huge struggle between gas and electricity suppliers for the working class market, where the incumbent utility — gas — was also a fairly efficient (and cheaper) General Purpose Technology for the majority of domestic uses. Local monopolies for each supplier emphasized substitution effects between fuel types, whereas alternative fuels formed the only local competition. With newly rediscovered returns from a vast national household expenditure survey, we apply geographically-determined instrumental variables, more utilized in the industrial organization literature, to demonstrate that gas provided a significant competitor, forcing to reduce electricity prices, whereas electricity demand was also responsive to marketing initiatives.
SCIMA record nr: 275811
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