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Author:Donaldson, T.
Title:De-compacting the Global Compact
Journal:Journal of Corporate Citizenship
2003 : AUTUMN, VOL. 11, p. 69-72
Abstract:By announcing the Global Compact, secretary-general Kofi Annan has set the world a tall task. Indeed, the remarkable ambitiousness of the Compact project is matched only by the remarkable stakes it holds for all of us. The author wants to explore the sorts of value- oriented justifications necessary to make this tall task at least a theoretical success. The author proposes that any justificatory account must ascend eventually three distinct rungs of a 'ladder of justification'. The three justificator rungs are: first, 'egoism'; second, 'co-operative egoism;' and, third, 'citizenship'. To justify the full Global Compact, companies must somehow be capable of reaching the third, and most difficult, rung.
SCIMA record nr: 252536
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