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Author:Sher, S.
Title:A framework for assessing immorally manipulative marketing tactics
Journal:Journal of Business Ethics
2011 : AUG I, VOL. 102:1, p. 97-118
Index terms:marketing
decision making
Abstract:This article suggests to operationalize criteria that can be used by marketers for making determinations and attempts to provide some clarification toward the understanding of the 'manipulation' concept and the conditions for the moral acceptability of manipulative marketing practices. It is argued that a marketing tactic is manipulative if it is aimed to motivate by undermining what the marketer believes is his/her audience's normal decision making process (herein as: d-m-p.) either by deception or by playing on a vulnerability that is believed to exist by the marketer in his/her audience's normal d-m-p. Such a tactic is morally disapprovable on many grounds, which make it morally impermissible unless compensated by using sufficient "redemptive" moral considerations.
SCIMA record nr: 274512
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