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Author:Shipilov, A.
Danis, W.
Title:TMG social capital, strategic choice and firm performance
Journal:European Management Journal
2006 : FEB, VOL. 24:1, p. 16-27
Index terms:top management
company performance
Freeterms:social capital
Abstract:In this paper, a framework is developed linking characteristics (hereafter as: chars.) of top managers (here as: TM) to the development of bridging and bonding social capital (as: soc-cap.) in TM groups (TMGs). In addition, outlined are strategic and environmental contingencies influencing soc-cap.'s value to organizations. Soc-cap. is argued to be a vital operative mechanism through which links btw. executive chars., strategic choice, and performance occur. It is shown how a directed application of soc-cap. at the senior management level can shed new light on the social dimensions of TM activities.
SCIMA record nr: 262065
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