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Author:Hughes, M.
Ireland, R.D.
Morgan, R.E.
Title:Stimulating dynamic value: Social capital and business incubation as a pathway to competitive success
Journal:Long Range Planning
2007 : APR, VOL. 40:2, p. 154-177
Index terms:strategic management
business incubation
Freeterms:social capital
Abstract:More recent approaches of studies of business incubation (hereafter as: incbn.) focus on the provision of a rich network through which an incubating (as: incbg.) firm can engage in collaborations. It is argued that such provisions dictate only the opportunities (here as: opprs.) for value creation, that is, how incbg. firms choose to behave and pursue network opprs. dictates the extent to which these opprs. can be realized and, thus, the value creation. Two value-stimulating behaviours (as: beh./behs.) or networking activities are identified: i. resource pooling activity or resource-seeking beh. and ii. strategic network involvement or knowledge-seeking beh. A value matrix is developed classifying incbn. into four types of outcomes on the basis of the extensive vs. narrow activity combinations. Each incbn. outcome has merits and can be used to inform the evaluation of incbg. firms and the relational strategies of their managers.
SCIMA record nr: 267556
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