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Author:By, R.T.
Dale, C.
Title:The successful management of organisational change in tourism SMEs: initial findings in UK visitor attractions
Journal:International Journal of Tourism Research
2008 : JUL-AUG, VOL 10:4 p. 305-313
Index terms:tourism
tourist industry
small and medium-sized enterprises (smes)
organizational change
United Kingdom
Abstract:The article discusses issues concerning the organizational change management (hereafter as OCM) in small and medium-sized enterprises (hereafter as SME) operating in tourism sector. The aim of the study was to find out the elements that affect the organizations ability to meet the inside and outside demands caused by changing business environment. The analyzed data was collected from semi-structured interviews with nine managers of different visitor attractions in United Kingdom. The paper identified a set of important factors for successful OCM in SMEs.
SCIMA record nr: 268818
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