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Author:Zhou, Dadi
Zhu, Yuezhong
Title:China's energy supply-demand prospects when reaching the level of a moderately-developed country (original in Chinese)
Journal:China Industrial Economy (c)
1998 : 10, p.26-29
Index terms:ENERGY
Abstract:China's energy supply-demand prospects when reaching the level of a moderately-developed country are as follows: The proportions of coal, natural gas and primary power in China's primary energy structure will fall to 50%-55% from 74%, rise to 35% or so from 20% and rise to over 10% respectively during the period from 2020 to 2030. In the year 2050, however, coal can not be higher than 35%, natural gas should stand at 40% to 50% or so and primary power at over 15% to 20%. To import pertoleum will become the main supply channel in China. And natural gas will also need to be imported in large quantities.
SCIMA record nr: 195960
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