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Author:Collan, M.
Title:Strategic real options in area development projects: Reflections on the Finnish background
Journal:Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
2009 : 3-4, p. 157-180
Index terms:Nordic countries
risk management
Freeterms:decision support
area development
Abstract:This paper describes the presently used, traditional area development (here as: a-devlmt.) policy model of the Finnish municipalities (hereafter as: muncpts.), discussing the creation of possible new policies through an analysis of strategic level real options available to muncpts. The strategic level real options let muncpts. change their involvement in the projects in a way that can lead to a lower economic risk level and higher revenues. The traditional involvement of muncpts. in a-devlmt. projects is quite restricted. An analysis can be made based on analyzing combinations of strategic level real options that are the building blocks of involvement strategies.
SCIMA record nr: 269114
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