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Author:Lings, I.N.
Greenley, G.E.
Title:The impact of internal and external market orientations on firm performance
Journal:Journal of Strategic Marketing
2009 : FEB, VOL. 17:1, p. 41-53
Index terms:internal marketing
market orientation
performance measurement
United Kingdom
Abstract:The purpose of this paper was to study one important firm level antecedent of salesperson's behaviors, namely the firm's market orientation. There have been many studies of personal antecedents of salesperson behaviors and performance, with little predictive success. But there are few studies of firm level influences on salesperson behaviors such as adaptive selling, customer orientation, listening and consulting. The purpose here was to examine the direct and indirect relationships between market orientation and those behaviors. Results suggest that the relationship between market orientation and salespersons' consulting behaviors is indirect, through significant influences on adaptive selling, customer orientation and listening.
SCIMA record nr: 269304
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