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Author:Woodhams, C.
Lupton, B.
Title:Analysing gender-based diversity in SMEs
Journal:Scandinavian Journal of Management
2009 : JUN, VOL. 25:2, p. 203-213
Index terms:diversity
small and medium-sized enterprises (smes)
equal opportunities
Abstract:Low engagement is demonstrated with a formal model of procedural equity by recent research into gender equality in small- to medium-sized organizations (hereafter as: SMEs) in the UK. This article investigates whether a diversifity approach may be more helpful in evaluating SME practice in the area of gender equality. Data is gathered from interviews with 80 owner / managers of SMEs. The findings show an implicit symphaty with diversifity practices and principles, underpinned by business rationales for action that could offer positive developments for women. However, the same rationale and the same practices serve to perpetuate discrimination, utilise stereotypes and continue the segregation of women into low paid, low skilled work. To conclude, while a diversifity management approach propels a perspective of women as a valuable resource within SMEs, relying on it in preference to regulated formal procedural equality would be unwise.
SCIMA record nr: 271222
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