search query: @indexterm CONSUMPTION / total: 885
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Author:Gössling-Reisemann, S.
Title:What is resource consumption and how can it be measured? Theoretical considerations
Journal:Journal of industrial ecology
2008 : FEB, VOL. 12:1, p. 10-25
Index terms:consumption
environmental protection
Abstract:The usual choice for a measure of resource consumption when analyzing the metabolism of our economy, is the throughput of matter and energy. This, however, cannot be sufficient, since consumption by definition is always relating to the destruction or transformation, and hence a change in quality, not only in quantity of material or energy flows. This article presents an approach that takes the entropy production associated with any process as a measure for the resource consumption of that process. Entropy production is thereby used to approximate the intuitive notion of consumption, which can best be described by the term loss of potential utility.
SCIMA record nr: 271621
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