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Author:Laukkanen, M.
Niittykangas, H.
Title:Local developers as virtual entrepreneurs - do difficult surroundings need initiating interventions?
Journal:Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
2003 : OCT-DEC, VOL. 15:4, p. 309-331
Index terms:Entrepreneurship
Rural development
Freeterms:Local development
New venture creation
Abstract:The preconditions and strategies of local development and turnaround in difficult surroundings such as peripheral rural communities are discussed in this article. The key premise is that local decision makers' beliefs of how such small economies function and of "proper" interventions are critical. Comparative cause mapping was used to study such thought patterns among Finnish rural municipality directors (RMDs). The results indicate that while private initiative, entrepreneurship, is regarded as key for development, prevalent views of entrepreneurship, especially company formation, are unsophisticated, stressing personal traits and social factors.
SCIMA record nr: 256130
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