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Author:Huovinen, J.
Koiranen, M.
Title:Achievement motivation among habitual entrepreneurs in urban and rural areas
Journal:Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
2011 : 3, p. 316-325
Index terms:entrepreneurship
urban areas
rural areas
Nordic countries
Abstract:This study introduces some preliminary findings of achievement motivation (hereafter as: a-m.) among habitual (as: hab.) entrepreneurs (as: e-prs.), aiming to explore what kind of dimensions of the a-m. are emphasized among hab. e-prs. and whether urban and rural hab. e-prs. do differ in this sense. Based on the answers of 53 hab. e-prs. concerning the question of a-m., the results of this exploratory study are tentative in their nature. Out of all 53 hab. e-prs., 33 operated in urban areas and 20 in rural areas of the Northern Savo region in Eastern Finland. Using logistic regression analysis, the results indicate significant differences in the a-m. btw. urban hab. e-prs. and the rural ones. The dimension of dominance was statistically significantly emphasized among the urban hab. e-prs. compared with hab. e-prs. operating in rural areas. Instead, in rural areas the dimension of work ethics was more emphasized by e-prs.
SCIMA record nr: 274148
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