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Author:Kiss, C.
Title:The misuses of manipulation: the failure of transitional justice in post-communist Hungary
Journal:Europe-Asia Studies
2006 : SEP, VOL. 58:6, p. 925-940
Index terms:hungary
soviet bloc
Freeterms:political manipulation
Abstract:Numerous attempts to carry out various types of transitional justice were made, but the process was ultimately unsuccessful in Hungary, like most in most countries in the former Soviet bloc. This paper claims that transitional justice in Hungary has been used primarily for political manipulation and introduces the main types of such manipulation. The process failure is illustrated by retroactive criminal legislation and screening based on secret policy files. This paper gives some tentative explanation for this failure, and finds it in the sharp ideological division within the political elite and in the population's indifference towards issues of transitional justice.
SCIMA record nr: 264677
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