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Author:Pianta, M.
Vaona, A.
Title:Innovation and productivity in European industries
Journal:Economics of innovation and new technology
2007 : OCT-NOV, VOL. 16:7-8, p. 485-499
Index terms:innovation
industrial performance
manufacturing industry
companies by size
Abstract:This paper explores labour productivity impact of innovation combining neo-Schumpeterian insights on the variety of innovation with the importance of industrial structures and firm size. Proposed are two models for explaining productivity and export success in European manufacturing industries and firm-size classes. Based on data from the European innovation survey (CIS 2), including Austria, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and the U.K. from 22 sectors including large, medium, and small firms, it is found that productivity in Europe relies on product and process innovation, with the support of the efficiency gains provided by grouped business structures. On the contrary, in Italy, the introduction of new machinery linked to innovation seems as the key mechanism supporting domestic productivity. When export success is considered, all countries have to rely on an innovation-based model of competitiveness.
SCIMA record nr: 271609
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