Tali - References to technical articles written in Finnish 1980-2016
The database contains bibliographical references to technical journal articles in Finnish from more than 130 technical journals, starting from 1980 and ending in 2016.Help:
- If "all fields" (default) is selected the search is performed on all searchable fields. The search can be focused on a certain field by selecting it from the drop-down list.
- Word truncation with * (asterisk), the word root must have at least three characters. Truncation can be used at the beginning and/or at the end and/or in the middle of a search term. E.g. *robot*, e.g. *metallurg*
- Search terms separated by a space are connected with implicit AND operator.
- Separate alternative search terms with | (vertical bar). E.g. cloud comput* | service
- Search terms can be combined with the AND, OR and NOT operator between the search boxes.
- For phrase search use double quotes. E.g. "open data"
- Search returns max 1000 references.
Tali database and it's contents (references) are free to use
but possible links to electronic resources (journals/full-text articles) may
lead to services that require additional usage rights.