THES - Pro Gradu theses at the Aalto University School of Business (Helsinki School of Economics) from 1922-2016
THES database contains Pro Gradu theses at the Aalto University School of Business (Helsinki School of Economics) from 1922-2016.Some theses (since 2008) have link to the full-text thesis.
The database is no longer updated.
- If "all fields" (default) is selected the search is performed on words from titles, authors,index terms and abstract/contents. You can select the field that is searched from the drop down list.
- Word truncation with *-character, e.g. telecom*
- Search terms separated by space are connected with implicit AND operator.
- Separate alternate search terms with |-character (ie. OR operator), e.g. stock* | share*
- You can combine search terms with the AND, OR and NOT operator between the search boxes.
- For phrase search use double quotes: e.g. "climate change"
- Text search returns max 1000 references.
Note: THES database and it's contents (references) are free to use.