Tekijä:Damskägg, Erno
Työn nimi:Collective Dynamics of Multimode Circuit Optomechanical Systems
Yhteisvärähtelyt usean moodin kaviteettioptomekaanisessa systeemissä
Sivut:vi + 41      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Teknillisen fysiikan laitos
Oppiaine:Teknillinen fysiikka   (F3005)
Valvoja:Sillanpää, Mika
Ohjaaja:Sillanpää, Mika
Elektroninen julkaisu: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:aalto-201503062013
Sijainti:P1 Ark Aalto  2708   | Arkisto
mechanical resonators
mekaaninen värähtelijä
Tiivistelmä (eng):One of the interesting topics in physics is the study of quantum mechanical laws of nature in macroscopic systems.
The potential quantum behaviour of macroscopic mechanical resonators has been studied with resonators interacting with an electromagnetic cavity mode.
In this work we study a multimode system where two micromechanical drums are each coupled to a microwave on-chip cavity.
This kind of system, using two micromechanical beams with nearly equal frequencies, has been previously shown to exhibit in strong coupling regime a dark mode which gets asymptotically decoupled from the cavity and has a linewidth much smaller than that of the bare cavity.
The long lifetime of the dark mode could be used in the storing and retrieving of quantum information by transferring optical or microwave energy to the dark mode.

Motivated by this goal, we present a novel microwave optomechanical system with two mechanical resonators with eigenfrequencies not close to each other, Omegam1/2pi = 8.11 MHz and Omegam2/2pi = 14.17 MHz and show that this system exhibits a dark mode in the strong coupling regime.
Although the mechanical frequencies are intrinsically different, we show how to bring them and the cavity on-resonance and thus creating a dark mode by double sideband pumping of the cavity.
The set-up allows to individually control the different mechanical modes and could be used in the studies and creation of entangled states between the different mechanical modes.
INSSI tietueen numero: 50697
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