haku: @instructor Häkkinen, Pentti / yhteensä: 13
viite: 8 / 13
Tekijä:Brännbacka, Anders
Työn nimi:The Power Generation Unit in a Ship's Modular Engine Room
Voimalaitosyksikkö laivan modulaarisessa konehuoneessa
Sivut:viii + 76 s. + liitt.      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Konetekniikan osasto
Oppiaine:Polttomoottoritekniikka   (Kon-14)
Valvoja:Larmi, Martti
Ohjaaja:Häkkinen, Pentti ; Lausmaa, Jari
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auxiliary systems
common rail
schematic diagrams
Tiivistelmä (eng): In this thesis the diesel electric power plant and its auxiliary systems in a large cruise ship are reviewed.
The aim is to create an autonomous power generation module.
The possibilities to design a module that forms the base for diesel-electric power plants in cruise ships as well as improving the functional reliability, are the main themes in this thesis.

The research on the diesel-electric power plant was done through interviews with system experts at Aker Finnyards, discussions with the engine manufacturer and studies of design material and literature.

The goal in terms of function is to create a blackout-proof power generation module.
That is achieved by bringing into the module the diesel engines most important auxiliary systems, those that are in direct connection to the engine and without which the engine is not able to operate.
These systems are the fresh water cooling, fuel oil feed and lubricating oil system.

The fresh water cooling system was designed to be completely integrated in the module by having a very short and simple fresh water cooling circuit.
The dependence of an outside electric source was eliminated by using circulation pumps driven by the diesel engine.
The fuel oil feed system is rearranged to partly be fitted into the module to meet up with the demands for operation without electricity and still fulfil the SOLAS regulations.

The layout of the module is designed with the limited space of an engine room of a ship in mind.
For maximum reusability of the design of the module, it needs to have simple boundary conditions and few interconnections to other systems.
Use of the module optimizes the spaces required for the auxiliary systems as well as minimizes the piping.

With the case engine, the Wärtsilä 46F, the goals set on the module in terms of function and autonomy, are possible to achieve.
Using a diesel engine of another make, will affect the autonomy of the module.
But the yard is still able to gain from the use of the power generation module concept.
INSSI tietueen numero: 32094
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