haku: @supervisor Kuosmanen, Petri / yhteensä: 195
viite: 39 / 195
Tekijä:Randelin, Matti
Työn nimi:The use of self-clinching inserts in busbar joints of a frequency converter
Sivut:(7) + 90 s. + liitt. 4      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos
Oppiaine:Koneensuunnitteluoppi   (Kon-41)
Valvoja:Kuosmanen, Petri
Ohjaaja:Laurila, Risto
Digitoitu julkaisu: https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/100953
Digitoitu arkistokappale on julkaistu Aaltodocissa
Sijainti:P1 Ark Aalto  4874   | Arkisto
Avainsanat:bolted joints
self-clinching insert
VDI 2230
torque out
Tiivistelmä (eng): The purpose of this thesis was to analyse the suitability of self-clinching inserts in high power busbar joints.
There was searched suitable inserts from the markets and their features were analysed in busbar joint use.
Also ABB's own design of self-clinching nut was analysed.

The analysis was made based on calculations and experimental tests.
Calculations were carried out using the VDl 2230 design guideline for bolted joints as a basis.
There was compared PEMr-, KALEIr-and ABB self-clinching nuts in the experimental tests.
The torque out and joint tests were performed to find out the performance of self-clinching nut and to analyse the behaviour of the joint.

There was carried out a short literature review to describe the operating conditions of busbar joint.
The mechanical, thermal and electrical special features shall be taken into account, when designing busbar joint.
The needed additional calculations of these special features were added to the VDl 2230 calculation.

The suitability of VDl 2230 design guideline was verified in this thesis.
The comparison between calculation results and the measured values describe the reliability of the calculation.
The comparison gave also additional information from the initial values that shall be used in the calculation.
INSSI tietueen numero: 47360
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