haku: @supervisor Kontio, Jyrki / yhteensä: 27
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Tekijä:Nyström, Tomas
Työn nimi:Comparison of Software Reference Processes Definitions
Jämförelse av referens processers definitioner för programvarutillverkning
Ohjelmistotuotannossa käytettyjen referenssipprosessimallien vertailu
Sivut:viii + 66 s. + 12      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Tietotekniikan osasto
Oppiaine:Tietojenkäsittelyoppi   (Tik-76)
Valvoja:Kontio, Jyrki
Ohjaaja:Känsälä, Kari
Sähköinen arkistokappale on luettavissa Aalto Thesis Databasen kautta.

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Sijainti:P1 Ark T80     | Arkisto
Tiivistelmä (eng): The goal of the thesis was to compare and map internationally accepted software standards and models (here commonly called reference processes definitions or RPDs) for the needs of people working in software process improvement (SPI).
These people have too much on their hands to investigate the opportunities provided by these RPDs, some do not even have the knowledge of their existence.
The thesis introduces the RPDs, puts them in a historical perspective, compares and maps them and assesses their strong and weak points.

The thesis begins with an introduction of the theory behind RPDs.
The use of RPDs in creating an organization standard processes definition (OSPD) is explained.
The software process is defined and the components of a well defined process; activities, artifacts and agents, are introduced.
The thesis also includes RPDs from the system engineering field, in order to identify common aspects in systems and software engineering.
The theory of and difference between systems and software engineering is explained.
The theory part ends with the introduction of process improvement and assessment and the possible results achievable by these activities.

The RPDs are shortly introduced.
The history and the evolution of each RPD is explained as is also the structure and the processes they contain.

Each RPD is then compared and mapped to the RPD found in the SPICE assessment model.
The mapping is performed on the base practice level of the SPICE RPD.
Each comparison brings out aspects of the compared RPD that are not found in the SPICE RPD.

The thesis ends with a summary of the comparison and mapping results.
An overview of the activities, artifacts and agents in the RPDs is given and possible future trends is discussed.
Finally, we are reminded that processes is just a part of a bigger puzzle that also contains people, technology and management.
INSSI tietueen numero: 12509
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