haku: @keyword profitability / yhteensä: 42
viite: 31 / 42
Tekijä:Lipiäinen, Mihail
Työn nimi:Investigating Effects of Location on Profitability in Foreign Direct Investment
Sivut:79      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Tuotantotalouden osasto
Oppiaine:Teollisuustalous   (TU-22)
Valvoja:Artto, Karlos
Ohjaaja:Annala, Pauli
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Avainsanat:industrial location
foreign direct investment
Tiivistelmä (eng):The realities of today's business world force more and more companies to transfer their operations abroad by establishing new facilities or entering into partnerships.
Selecting right location can be a difficult task and there are many different factors that have to be considered in making such a decision.
This research tries to investigate this phenomena by answering the following research question:.

Which factors should be considered when assessing performance of a business unit which is located in a foreign country?

In order to answer this question the following research goals were set:.

Perform theoretical research in order to identify key factors that affect the performance of a business unit.

Propose a framework, which links performance with identified factors.

Apply the framework to the case company in order to test the framework and solve the case problem.

Discuss framework's limitations.

The research was conducted as a combination of a theoretical study and a case study.
In the theoretical part of the work, theories of industrial location, international trade and foreign direct investment were used to identify a set of factors that affect different aspects of operation of a firm or a business unit.
Additionally, different performance measurement methods were presented and discussed.
The theoretical discussion served as a foundation for a framework which consists of a model and a process.
The model connects performance indicators such as turnover or profit with factors identified during theoretical research while the process outlines a procedure of how the model should be applied in order to compare two or more locations.
The framework was then applied in a case study in order to compare two potential locations for a production facility, one in Finland and another in North-west region of Russian Federation, and to test the framework's ability to solve a real problem.
The case is based on information provided by a real-world company with key financial figures modified on request of the company.
The application resulted in a short-term quantitative and long-term qualitative comparison of two locations.
Additionally a set of recommendations was provided for the company based on the results of application.

The main result of the framework's application was that the production of given goods is more profitable in Russian Federation mainly due to lower labour costs and thus the main recommendation to the company was that it should transfer the production of goods sold in the Russian market to Russian Federation.
Overall the study produced two results: from the academic point of view, the main result was a discussion of theories and creation of the framework and from the practical point of view, the comparison of two locations together with recommendation for the company was another main result.
INSSI tietueen numero: 21248
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