haku: @instructor Coatanea, Eric / yhteensä: 6
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Tekijä:Riihimäki, Joona
Työn nimi:Innovative conceptual solutions for the sand casting pattern creation process by TRIZ methodology
Sivut:117 (+18)      Kieli:   eng
Koulu/Laitos/Osasto:Koneenrakennustekniikan laitos
Oppiaine:Koneensuunnitteluoppi   (Kon-41)
Valvoja:Coatanéa, Eric
Ohjaaja:Coatanéa, Eric
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Sijainti:P1 Ark Aalto  6195   | Arkisto
Avainsanat:casting pattern
casting model
conceptual design
product development
sand casting
Tiivistelmä (eng): Casting pattern creation in the sand casting manufacturing process acts as a major bottleneck for the entire casting process as a new cast pattern needs to be produced for each new part.
Therefore, the otherwise swift and flexible process is not currently efficient for producing prototypes and small patch sizes.
Pattern creation is also an expensive process, while the general trend in manufacturing industry is towards ever cheaper production costs.
In addition, storing existing patterns forms an additional cost burden for both the foundry and the contractor.

To solve the above-mentioned issues, innovative conceptual solutions are proposed in this thesis to improve the casting pattern and its creation process.
This thesis also attempts to prove that Altshuller's Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is indeed a useful methodology and approach for this type of product development project.
By utilizing TRIZ, the current challenges within the entire sand casting process are first analyzed along with the issues on the foundry environment level.
After the problems have been identified and analyzed, TRIZ is further applied in an attempt to generate inventive solutions to them.

The research described in this thesis concentrates on the early phases of the product development process, the main focus being on the conceptual design stage.
The resulting solution is a computer-controlled reconfigurable metal pattern, which can be automatically modified to adapt the shape of any three-dimensional CAD-model.
Also, applications for utilizing this type of pattern in the sand casting process are presented.

As a part of this thesis, a functional prototype of the reconfigurable pattern has been created and tested.
The conceptual idea has been validated and a patent for it is pending.
While the development process is still far from the final product, the benefits for the industry are clear.
Furthermore, the same idea can be applied across different manufacturing industries and it has possible applications on other unrelated fields as well.
INSSI tietueen numero: 38827
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